Global Perspectives on Gynecologic Malignancies at ESMO 2021
Expert perspectives and strategic insights on the latest therapeutic developments and translational research coming out of ESMO regarding gynecologic malignancies.

Robert Coleman, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, US
Faculty Members
Nicoletta Colombo, MD, PhD
European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy
Christina Fotopoulou, MD, PhD
Imperial College London Healthcare Trust, London, UK
Jonathan Ledermann, MD
UCL Cancer Institute, London, UK
Mansoor Mirza, MD
Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark
Ursula Matulonis, MD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, MA, US
David O’Malley, MD
The Ohio State University College of Medicine, OH, US
Leslie M. Randall, MD
UCI Health, CA, US
- First-Line Treatment and Maintenance Therapy for Advanced Ovarian Cancer
- Treatment Strategies for Relapsed Ovarian Cancer
- Current Treatment and Future Directions for Advanced Endometrial Cancer
- Advanced Cervical Cancer: Current and Future Treatment in First Line
- Recurrent Cervical Cancer: Current and Future Treatments